You can pay loans with your bank account (ACH), debit card or mail us a check.
To add a new payment method:
- Sign in to your account.
- If you have an active loan, click or tap on Loan options-->Manage payment methods. You can also navigate to Account settings and scroll down to the Manage payment methods section.
- Click or tap on Add payment method.
- For Bank Account (ACH) you can either manually enter your bank account information or you can click/tap on Autofill using bank login. If you manually entered the information we might ask you to verify your account: We will make two small deposits in amounts of less than $1 each to the bank account. It might take 1-2 business days to appear in your bank account. When you see the amounts in your bank account, please come back and enter the two amounts to verify your account details.
- After you successfully added the payment method you can make a one-time payment or turn on Autopay.